Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Other Side

HAPPENINGS: I think my blog audience will be proud to know that I am starting a new job tomorrow. And by my blog audience, I refer to the nine people I am sure have read this: Zach, Brian, Sue, Katie, Luke, Christy, Zach's mom, Zach's dad, I think Zach's sister. Of course, eight of these nine people already knew this bit of information so I suppose I am working under the not-so-humble assumption that there are others.

For the past month or so, I have been unemployed (excluding the few temp jobs I did here and there) after quitting my last job at the casting office. I left because of other possibilities that turned into impossibilities soon thereafter. I think that is all that needs to be said about that, and it turns out that I am happy with the transition even though things didn't turn out exactly the way I had picture them. My new job will be as an assistant to an agent at a talent and literary agency in Beverly Hills. I am anxious to get settled in there and see what the "other side" is like. I think it will be a good place for me to see what else is out there and open up to more possibilities. I will be leaving behind a life of two-a-days to the gym, Sex and the City DVD's, meeting Zach for lunch everyday, and the stress of unemployment. As nice as most of that sounds, I think I am much better off with a nice clean routine for now. Anyway, I cannot say much more about that. I haven't even started yet.

TIPS: Pineapple was okay. I certainly laughed, and James Franco was darling, but it was slightly disappointing.

I kind of liked that new documentary, American Teen. It is strange in some parts, but I think it captures some really genuine moments that we have all experienced in high school. The movie follows four high school kids through their senior year: a popular girl, a band geek, a basketball stud, and an artsy outsider girl. While I still felt that parts were possibly edited or presented slightly out of order (not that I have any proof or special knowledge of that happening), something about it felt very true and reminded me of specific moments in my high school experience. Go Lancers.

1 comment:

Luanne Dietz said...

I got ya on my RSS!!! Don't hate! Good luck tomorrow! Make sure to let me know if you all find peeps that need photography;)