Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fat Kids' Hero

I am back.

I lost 25 pounds last year. It reminds me of the time I lost 25 pounds when I was in the fifth grade. I was a fat kid. People made fun of me. I remember for a long time, after I lost the weight, I was very sensitive to weight remarks that kids made about each other. Even though I was no longer chubby, I would jump to defend other overweight kids that were being made fun of even if it was behind their backs. I was a fat kids' hero. I remember one time in choir in sixth grade, we were playing musical chairs, and this one big boy broke a chair trying to get to it. The whole class was laughing. I said something about the other kids being jealous that they had lost. Yeah, I sure told them.

Okay, maybe I was not exactly a fat kids' hero, but I was courageous then. It felt good to stand up for things back then. It is harder now as an adult. I would like to be better about that, but it will have to wait until I am no longer in this "assistant" stage in life.

When I lost 25 pounds in 2008, I did the same things I did when I was 10. I ate healthy, worked out regularly, and ate less. People waste so much time and money on foods, programs, dvds, motivational tools, books, and more to lose a few pounds. All the books and motivational tools promote the idea that losing weight is complicated to understand, but easy to go through with when you know what you are doing. The opposite is true. Losing weight is very simple; it is just hard to go through with. There are no tricks, and anyone who knows how to make a decision can do it. Whether it is motivated by embarrassment brought on by fat facebook pictures or the the desire to stop people from making fun of you as a little kid, some want has got to be bigger than your want for yummy food. That is all.

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